மலை வேம்பு (Bead tree)


Melia Dubai is a tree in the family Meliaceae. Melia Dubia is commonly found in the hills at elevations ranging from 600 - 1800 meters and grows well in rainfall areas. It is a fast-growing tree variety that can grow from 30 feet to 100 feet in height without side branches and is used for reforestation purposes. The whole neem plant has medicinal benefits which are used for many treatments. Neem leaf removes intestinal gas, swelling, dissolves tumors. Neem flower kills intestinal worms. Neem seed, detoxifying. Neem bark cures fever and increases body strength. Neem oil increases bile, cures disease, and controls fever. Every part of the neem tree benefits us. We will get such a special country mountain neem seed. The wood of this tree is used majorly in Plywood Industry and also paper, matches, packaging, etc.[/one_half_last]

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